Contact information
Cameroon Nurses Association
c/o Training School for Health Personnel, PMB 20 Bamenda
North West Region, Cameroon
Mr Nkwain Joseph Tohmukum
Tel: (+237) 677 807 470
Email: [email protected]
Secretary General
Mrs Neh Njei Flora
Tel: (+237) 677 499 374
Email: [email protected]
Mrs Nchifor Mary
Tel: (+237) 677 743 430
Email: [email protected]
The Cameroon Nurses Association (CNA) was established in 1999.
The main aim of the CNA is to contribute to the improvement of the health of citizens by fostering nursing education, research, care and management.
The objectives of the CNA are to:
organize and unite nurses in Cameroon;
provide an avenue where love and understanding can be
nurtured among nurses and midwives;
improve the standards of professional practice through
continuing education and research;
assist the government in developing and implementing
national health policy; and
to create a forum where nurses/midwives can:
– clarify their role assertively within the health care team,
– empower nurses develop leadership role in healthcare,
– promote the image of the nurse by encouraging and assisting
members to improve their status, and
– foster cooperation between national and international non-
government organizations especially the Commonwealth
Nurses Federation.
Organisational structure

The CNA is governed by an elected national executive consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary General, Vice Secretary General, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Public Relations Officer, Auditors and the Chief Nursing Officer. The Regional Presidents of the CNA are ex-officio members of the national executive.
Officers of the national executive are elected for a period of three years and can serve a further three year term if elected to do so.