Cameroon nursing and midwifery leaders attended the first Summative Congress of the African Regional Collaborative…

Cameroon Nurses Association 6th Scientific Conference 27 February 2016
The 6th Scientific Conference of the Cameroon Nurses Association took place on the 27th of February 2016 under the distinguish patronage of the Representative of the Minister of Public Health.
The theme of the conference was ‘OUR HEALTH, OUR COMMON WEALTH’. Over 100 delegates from all over the national territory attended the conference.
The conference was animated by different presentations (10 in all) which covered different aspects of health, followed by question and answer sessions.
Some resolutions were brought forth which will go a long way to improve on practice and the profession at large. Some of them were:
* To estalish a Nursing Journal where country specific research findings can be published.
* Increase the collaboration among the nursing personnel through increased sensitization.
* All regions are encouraged to have a functional branch of the Association.
*Nurses should seek to improve on communication skills, effective decision making and leadership skills.
>> Assessing the attitude of Fulani women toward ANC
>> Establishing and sustaining a healthy work environment
>> Impact of nurse migration
>> Risk factors of preterm births
>> Utilisation of maternal health care services in Cameroon
>> Our health our common wealth
>> Role of research in nursing
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